21) Lois Lane Double Down by Gwenda Bond book number 2 in the Lois Lane series. Leave it to Lois to find a juicy story while assigned to do another. After going down to Suicide Slum to interview an artist who is painting a mural she finds her friend Maddy’s twin sister collapsed outside one of the areas derelict buildings (not surprising also that Lois’ disdain for ‘puff pieces’ was there right from the get go). She races against the clock to not only help her friend’s sister, but also uncover the truth behind her friend James’ father the recently released from prison and under house arrest former Mayor of Metropolis’ conviction for corruption. All this while she navigates her maybe romance with her online crush SmallvilleGuy. Again, this had many elements in it that reminded me of a few episodes of Lois and Clark. I’ll admit too that I usually do not enjoy reading stories in a series, because I’m often disappointed with the subsequent books, but this I thoroughly enjoyed because the storyline is fast paced and full of intrigue even if you may find it unbelievable in the end. But hey this is Lois Lane and we know what stories she is capable of uncovering no matter how ridiculous they may seem.

22) Lois Lane Triple Threat by Gwenda Bond the last of the Lois Lane series. This actually made me wish that there would be more because she finally gets to meet her now long-distance boyfriend SmallvilleGuy who up until now had been a complete mystery to her in not only name, but also in appearance too. Thrown into the mix is a bunch of enhanced teenagers who are threatening her and her friends. While the first two books can probably be counted as separate books, this one definitely requires that you read the first two in order to be able to understand the plot fully as it ties them full circle. My only criticism is that now that we’ve met SmallvilleGuy (although I’ll be honest it was pretty obvious from the handle who it could be wink) and another mysterious online friend known as TheInventor, I found myself wanting to see the continued progression of their relationship. Alas, Ms Bond has stated that there no plans for now, but she did put up two short stories on her website about Lois’ exploits prior to her moving to Metropolis to whet your appetite for more of our favourite reporter

Last edited by Crazy_Babe; 03/05/20 07:03 AM.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller