63) Formosa Betrayed by George H. Kerr Kerr was an American diplomat who was in Formosa (Taiwan) during WWII. This book is an account of the fumbles made by the American policy to properly define the island and answer the question of whether or not Taiwan is a part of China the consequences of which Taiwanese still live with today. Visit Taipei today and you’ll come across a park known as the 228 Peace Memorial Park where an uprising was quashed by Chiang Kai-Shek’s occupying forces leading to the deaths of many and the introduction of martial law in Taiwan. My opinion of Taiwanese independence is set so this didn’t really influence me in that sense, but certainly this was eye opening for me though I did lose a little interest in the end.

64) The Berlin Airlift: The Relief Operation that Defined the Cold War by Barry Turner a wonderful account of a daring humanitarian feat to relieve besieged citizens in a divided city in a divided and occupied country. Highly dangerous and ambitious, the Berlin Airlift was a well coordinated operation by British and American airmen to relieve Berlin citizens caught up in a nasty war of attrition with Stalin’s Soviet forces. Well written with eye witness accounts it is a fascinating look into the first major stand-off during the Cold War

Last edited by Crazy_Babe; 10/26/20 04:17 AM.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller