29: I'm Telling the Truth but I'm Lying, by Bassey Ipki. A series of "essays" detailing bits and pieces of the life of former Def Poetry Jam performer as she struggles with anxiety and bipolar II disorder.

30: The Solicitor's Son by Rachael Anderson. Guy is treated abysmally by girl's family a long time ago, but he comes back to help her anyway. I didn't really like the way the ending played out.

31: The Jewels of Halstead Manor by Kasey Stockton. Girl goes to her uncle after her father dies and stumbles into some mystery. I felt like this one was poorly written, like the author was just filling space on the pages and it didn't matter if it made sense or was relevant to the story. But the kissing scenes were very well done.

32: The Rise of Miss Notley by Rachael Anderson. I read the previous book in the series some time ago and couldn't really remember what had already happened, so I was a little confused at what was happening, but it didn't really matter. I really liked the story and the characters. The best part was the absence of some very popular historical romance tropes which was so very refreshing.

"Oh my gosh! Authors really do use particular words on purpose!" ~Me, when I started writing a book.