28) Gallipoli by Peter Fitzsimons Gallipoli is to Australia what perhaps the War of Independence is to Americans in that both events forever defined a nation. Unlike America though, the birth of Australia as a nation (or more correct the Commonwealth) was not established in bloodshed and Gallipoli would be the event that would define Australia as a nation. This goes through the events that would lead to Australia’s involvement in the invasion of the narrow Dardanelles strait and the subsequent withdrawal from the peninsular. There is no doubt that the events of Gallipoli were an unmitigated disaster for the Australian and New Zealand soldiers, but however disastrous the Gallipoli campaign It would be the birth of the ANZAC legend. In Australia we are about to come to the 105 year anniversary of the invasion (April 25) and while the men of that day have long departed, this book brings them to life again serving to remind me that their stories should never be forgotten

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller