Also, not sure if it "counts," but my husband has read the first two Harry Potter books to the girls at bed time over the last 2ish months. I've been forced to listen to them against my will (I did fall asleep one of the nights). I'm not afraid to say that I really don't care for them all that much. I'm just not into the drawn out drama of a preteen wizard boy and find them to be all build up with very little in the way of climax and resolution. I've never read the series and I bailed on the movies halfway through. (Hubby had me watch the ones that were out on DVD while we were dating/engaged/maybe married? and then when the rest hit the theatres I declined to accompany him as I really didn't care to see how it ended.)

Yes, I know I am very much in the minority with my viewpoint on the series. I'm okay with that. smile

Also, I found it HILARIOUS that the girls had exactly ZERO reaction to the Tom Riddle = evil wizard revelation in the second book. This coming from the kids who gasped and then continually asked us "Is that for real?" when we watched Star Wars and Darth Vader told Luke he is his father.

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon