12) The Art of War by Sun Tzu squeezed in a Lois and Clark reference this time with this one and no unlike Monique, this is not the Reader’s Digest version though you don’t really need it as it’s not a long book by any stretch. Written over 2000 years ago, it is considered to be one of the earliest and seminal works on military strategy and tactics of which are still applicable today. I had actually read this years ago, but I was given a beautiful hardbound and illustrated copy of it by a friend so I decided to read it again. Divided into 13 chapters (or rather 13 points) and then within those headings further sub-points outlining what military planners (or corporate raiders such as Lex Luthor) must do in order to achieve success and what to avoid if you don’t want to be defeated. Still as enjoyable as it was when I first read it.

Last edited by Crazy_Babe; 02/14/20 11:20 PM.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller