42) The Long Walk to Freedom: 1918-1962: Early Years, 1918-1962 vol. 1 by Nelson Mandela of the many books that I have in my collection, this is the one that I’ve been wanting to read for a long time and for me it didn’t disappoint. Nelson Mandela the first president of a post-apartheid South Africa reflects on his early years of his life, the people who would influence him the most and also the early years of his fight for the rights of his people.

43) The Long Walk to Freedom vol 2: Triumph of Hope, 1962-1994 v 2 by Nelson Mandela In this second part of his autobiography, Nelson Mandela will reflect back on his time while imprisoned on Robben Island to his release and his rise to become South Africa’s first fully democratically elected leader. A wonderful testament to his resilience and his character to remain positive that he could bring about change even in the most dire of circumstances

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller