21) All the Missing Girls by Megan Miranda - another mystery/suspense recommended by a friend (I gave her a list of what I was looking for and this one totally met my requirements: 1st person POV, no gore or explicit scenes, suspense, face paced). I'm not sure I can describe this book without giving it all away. What sticks with me right now is how much I hated the ending. I really hated the ending. It was so good leading up to it. It's written out of order but still in a somewhat logical fashion. And I got over some other little things that bothered me. But I stopped liking the characters about two-thirds through the story, and near the end when I realized where it was going, I hoped and prayed I'd missed something, but no. And now I'm just sitting around feeling cheated and disappointed. It makes me nervous to take any more recommendations from the friend who suggested it.

"Oh my gosh! Authors really do use particular words on purpose!" ~Me, when I started writing a book.