#23 Into Darkness by Terry Goodkind

The 5th book in the Children of D'Hara series, this one was satisfyingly longer than its predecessors. Although, I hate to say it, but it *almost* could have been split into two parts, as the first half deals with the threat of the "Witch's Oath" from the previous books and the second half sees the end of the threat from the Golden Goddess that has plagued the characters since the first book in the Children of D'Hara series. I'm glad, however, that it was left as one longer book and not two short ones. I found the end of the Golden Goddess extremely unsatisfying and far too easy, although the author makes up for it in the continued problems Richard faces after ending that threat. And the "Witch's Oath" section was pretty cool but ultimately not at all surprising in who was actually behind it (I called it as soon as I read that a Witch's Oath had been invoked). Still, it was nice to see some familiar faces pop up and have some untied threads finally put to rest and I had fun reading it. I do wonder if he will continue to write further adventures, as it's clear that certain new characters are going to be extremely powerful in their gifts of magic. If more books are written, I will gladly read them.

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon