15) The Earl and His Lady by Sally Britton: I skipped book three in this series because I didn't recognize any of the characters (the first two books were of sisters and there were several in the family, but I didn't even recognize any of the names. This one wasn't about any of the sisters, but I at least recognized the characters. A widow marries an earl to keep her evil brother-in-law from taking her children away after her husband changes his will to exclude him only months before he dies. (audiobook)

16) Daisies and Devotion by Josi S Kilpack. A woman attempts to help her friend find a suitable wife and then
doesn't believe when he chooses her (I was really glad to read this part, he was kind of a jerk and had to prove himself and I appreciated that about the story but it doesn't happen until the end.)

17) Promises and Primroses by Josi S Kilpack. So these two are part of a series in which the men (and I believe there will be a woman in one of the books but it hasn't been written yet) are cousins and their rich uncle is giving them incentives to marry suitable brides (in a good way suitable) This was actually book 1, but I'm glad I read it second. In this one the mother of suitable bride holds a grudge against the uncle. (audiobook)

18)The Blue Castle by LM Montgomery. Valancy finds out she's going to die within the year and decides to do whatever she wants, which includes marrying the towns known bad guy. There were parts of this that I liked and parts of this that I didn't. I liked how Valancy stood up for herself. I didn't like how they went on and on about how not pretty she was. Even her new husband never once told her she was pretty (or even pretty on the inside), not even at the end. I also couldn't keep up with the millions of relatives Valancy seemed to have that were excessively described.
(audiobook that I wish I had a copy of so I could skim the irritating descriptions of her family...)

19) The Truth about Miss Ashbourne by Joanna Barker. This was excellent! Juliana's estranged grandfather leaves her an inheritance that she can only have if she agrees to spend a month with the rest of her estranged family.

20) Kiss by Ted Dekker. I stepped out of my historical romance genre for this one. Doing a bit of research on mystery/suspense/thriller novels. This one was so intriguing that I finished it in a day. Shauna wakes up after an accident and can't remember what happened to get her there. Her quest to figure it out reveals that even things she does remember aren't exactly true either. (audiobook)

Side note: Reading has been a coping strategy of mine, but its been almost all audiobooks because I can clean (my other coping strategy) at the same time.

"Oh my gosh! Authors really do use particular words on purpose!" ~Me, when I started writing a book.