Heart of Black Ice by Terry Goodkind

I've been reading the Sword of Truth series since 2008, when I discovered the original book(s) were being developed into a TV series by Sam Raimi and Robert Tapert (same guys who brought us Xena and the Evil Dead movies - some of my favorites). This latest book does not center on Richard and Kahlan, but on (former) Sister of the Dark, Nicci, as she and her companions as they are split apart while trying to save the world from two rampaging armies. After so many books, I'm still enjoying the series, even if the author can, occasionally, be a little predictable with his solutions to problems. It's still a really fun ride though.

Conceal, Don't Feel by Jen Calonita

A Disney "Twisted Tale" that centers on, of course, Frozen. In this AU, Elsa and Anna began life as sisters but circumstances forced them to grew up apart, with no memory of one another. We see a young Elsa learning how to one day rule Arendelle only to lose her parents just as she did in the film. However, unlike the film, she is unaware of her ice powers until the agony of losing her parents forces them to the surface - her grief makes her create ice. She spends the next 3 years alone with only Olaf for company, while Anna grows up in a different village as the daughter of bakers. When Coronation Day arrives, everything goes awry with Elsa's powers and she and Anna start to remember the past...

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon