L&C-fan wrote
2. I live in Michigan and love Better Made chips and Faygo pop.
LOL, I have a story about Faygo. One of roommates at the Univ of Michigan was from out of state and had never heard of Faygo. We were throwing a party, and I got the soft drinks ... picked up the usual Coke and Diet Coke, then grabbed a bottle of Redpop for the nostalgia factor. She was totally baffled when I told her what I'd bought.

"What the heck is that?"
"It's Redpop."
"I can see that, but what is it?"
"I told you, it's Redpop!"
"Yes, but what is it??" She finally studied the bottle and turned to me in amazement. "It really is called Redpop!"

Turns out she thought I was using some odd Michigan lingo that described soft drinks by their color. As if we called grape soda "purple pop" and Coke "brown pop." goofy

(Oh, and for the record, that's how I learned that Redpop was, in fact, strawberry soda, LOL.)