Hope it's not too late to join in. smile

1. What does your board name mean?

First name, last initial. Big surprise. smile

2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place?

Home is in small town Indiana, but we're spending this year in Arlington, VA, while my husband is working in Washington DC for a year. We're moving back in about six weeks and while I will be happy to get back into my own house and see my friends again, there are many things we will miss about living in Washington.

3. When did you start watching L&C?

I was a fan from before the premiere. I was a Superman fan from childhood, so when I saw in TV Guide that summer that there was going to be a new show that focused on Lois & Clark and their relationship, I thought I'd die and gone to heaven. Then the show came out and it was even better than I'd dreamed it would be.

4. Rank the seasons in order of preference:

Probably 2, 3 (minus the non-wedding arc), then a tie between 1 & 4. I don't dislike any season, but I absolutely love watching them (and writing them) when they're falling in love and trying to make it permanent.

5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss?

How I Met Your Mother (Barney/Robin, baby!)
Doctor Who (though since my OTP somewhat rode off into the sunset, I'm not sure how I'm going to feel about it once it's Eleven and whatever-her-name-is-going-to-be.)

6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality?

I'm no gourmet chef, but I'm a fairly decent cook and have a wide variety of options at my disposal. smile

7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck?

The University of Michigan Wolverines (though luckily, they rarely completely suck!)

8. What is something you never leave the house without?

My Blackberry. It's my phone, my watch, my PDA, and lets me read fanfic or surf the internet if I have to wait somewhere.

9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to?

OK, only the true old-timers out there will remember this name, but Dan Shawler. smile Although I'd been watching the show since the beginning, we first got internet in the fall of 1995, which was the beginning of the 3rd season. I quickly discovered fanfic and, soon after, read about this thing called IRC. I got on #loiscla (the original channel name) a few days before Contact aired, with no idea what to expect. "DanS" was there and patiently answered al my my questions about this new phenomenon called online fandom, including how to get on the email discussion and fanfic lists, when the channel got busy, etc. (Remember, this was back when 15 people -- all actively chatting, not lurking -- was a slow IRC night and episode nights could see 40, 50, or more.) When I said goodnight, probably two hours later, he told me that I was "a well behaved newbie" and they would be happy to have me come back to the channel. I swear, I felt like I'd been invited to sit at the popular kids' table in the lunchroom, LOL! I became a regular on IRC soon after and always tried to give newbies the same warm welcome Dan gave me. smile

10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A teacher.

11. What is something you collect?

Uh ... unfinished WIPs on my hard drive? I was never the fastest fanfic writer out there, but I wish I could now write even half as fast as I did back then and have any hope of finishing all the ideas that I have started.

12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll?

Reading all the responses has definitely been fun!