1. What does your board name mean? Initially I used the nickname "Zoar3" simply because I was a newbie and didn't necessarily want to give out my "real" name. blush To answer the question, smile , I chose Zoar after the Sorceress' character from He-Man and the number3 has always been my "lucky" number. Mona,please call me that on here now, smile , is my real first name.

2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place? I live in the city of Angels or rather DODGERS. laugh . Eventually I hope to settle in a small town somewhere near the ocean. For now, this crazy place I've lived in most all my life is home.

3. When did you start watching L&C? I think after the first few episodes of season 1. I had just started my first year of college.

4. Rank the seasons in order of preference: 1, 2,4 and :p 3.

5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss? Really nothing. I'll sometimes watch TLC, House Hunters on HGTV, or the Regis version of Millionaire on GSN but that's all save the Dodgers.

6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality?
Me cook? Lol. I "cook" Kraft Mac and Cheese expertly. laugh

7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck? The Dodgers though at the moments it's a little hard being "blue." The Atlanta Braves will also have a place in my heart for what one of their announcers came to mean to me during a turbulent time in my life during college when I was way out of Dodger range but got TBS.

8. What is something you never leave the house without? A few $ and cents. Also if I'm driving my license is most helpful. I admit to having forgotten it exactly twice in all the eyars I've been a driver. First time as young teen and second blush a few months ago when my arms were bundled down with other things that I completely forgot my purse until I had began driving. Oops.

9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to? Labby about a story? I used to enjoy pming with the awol Coolgirl often and have gotten to befriend Michael throuh email and IM. smile

10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a Dodger, a teacher, a chemist who discovered the cure for cancer and most of all a pediatrician. So far I've been a teacher and am trying to save $ to return to school to take pre-med classes.

11. What is something you collect? Baby-sitter's Club Books. I now only need 3. I still have some favorite stuffed animals both left over from childhood and newer. Oh and those miniature animals that you put in a shadow box. Anyone know of where to find them these days?

12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll? Sure.