In the past, FoLCdom has certainly been much less tolerant of fanfic outside the box or its comfort zone than most other fandoms. And that box was often a pretty small one.

I don't really know the reasons for that, there are probably many, but I have been delighted to see new authors over the years push the boundaries and expand that box ever more large.
What I have seen mentioned when this subject comes up is that L&C has a very defined canonical map,
In most series the ship continuously hinge on the cusp to keep the tension alive giving fans greater opportunity to interpret things as they will.
L&C goes all the way and their love is the fulcrum which everything else turns, Those who want to turn that on it’s head aren’t likely to have been attracted to the show in the first place.
And I believe that is why there is so little controversy in the community no shipwars etc. I can understand those who find this conformism stifling though, I’m actually amazed with myself that I can still find enjoyment in a love story that I’ve read a thousand variants of. goofy


I’d say a number of canonical elements, ignore or twist enough of them and sooner or later depending on the reader, he/she wont consider it L&C fanfic anymore.
I think that depends on the reader, Arawn. Some people won't tolerate little deviances. Some will tolerate huge deviances.
Hmm, I thought that was exactly what I said.

Somebody tried something similar on Zoom's board. The story was yanked and my understanding is that the original author was pretty miffed. (Thank goodness no one made any money because of the plagiarized story.)
I tried illustrating what happens when you keep the canonical element to the minimum. Plot is an extremely generic concept.
If you simply use that, I expect the consensus would be that your work are not derivate enough for it be called a LnC fanfic.

I do know you, and I know you wouldn't lie... at least to me...most of the time...