We don't need "punish Clark" fics; even if, as I do not think, Clark deserves equal "punishment", most of the first two years of their relationship is "punish Clark", coming to a head after the Sardine appears and is not immediately shot for lowering the human average IQ.
Just wanted to say that I'm not advocating "punish Clark" fics anymore than I like the idea of "punish Lois" fics. I think both approaches miss the point of what each character was about - they miss the nuances that were there.

But, Phil, how can you forget about Mayson Drake who served the same purpose in the series as Scardino? Both Lois and Clark/Superman each did their share of "punishing" the other in the first couple of years of the series. At times, neither was at their best. But more often they were wonderful. smile

Tank, with respect, I'm not sure your two stories quite fit because Lois doesn't move on to a new relationship in them, although 'The Choice' is a Clark deathfic. Btw, I always thought that "Sometimes' ended on a note of hope that they would re-unite. But you mean .... oh no!

Phil said:
As for "Lois moving on" fics... well, why bother? On the simplest level, the name of the series is "Lois and Clark", and it's the pair of them together -- the idea that Superman is more than just Clark Kent in a pair of tights and a cape -- that makes the series concept work.
Couldn't agree more. smile
