Boy, this reminds me of all those old 'True Defender' debates of yesteryear. goofy Any other 'old timers' remember the various splinter groups of the past? I can remember we had TDOLL (True Defenders Of Lois Lane) and TDOCK (True Defenders of Clark Kent), but there were others that my memory is hazy on.

I've never been a fan of St. Lois or St. Clark. It's the very fact that we're dealing with two flawed human beings who make mistakes which makes the characters so attractive to me.

And I've always been very fond of S1 Lois. Like Clark, I think, I see her abrasiveness and almost manic hunger for success as a wall of armour concealing a vulnerable and desperately lonely soul. So I've always been willing to cut her a lot of slack.

As for Clark, it's the fact that he's striving so hard to be 'normal' and human, despite his powers and his alien origins, that endear him to me, so the mistakes he makes I'm willing to cut him some slack on, too, for the most part. *

I don't require my heroes to be perfect. It's their mistakes and flaws which make them interesting to me.

Which is just my perspective, of course. The above isn't in response to any particular previous post or pov or because I think anyone is trying to make Lois and/or Clark perfect. smile

LabRat smile

* Except for the fire hydrant. laugh There are some mistakes I can't let slip past and I still think he deserved a good slapping for that one. wink

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers