Nancy may not like Lois Lane as passionately as you do, Carol, but that doesn't mean she *dis*likes her.
Um, perhaps - but Nancy didn't state anything positive at all about Lois but only negatives so it's not an illogical conclusion to have reached. Of course, my interpretation may be wrong - only Nancy can say for sure.

"Passionately"? I'd hoped I was logical, Pam smile My apologies for sounding passionate. Not my intention. btw, I am as much a fan of Clark Kent as I am of Lois Lane. But Clark has lots of defenders here.

just popping in to say that Minear saying that doesn't make it canon for me.
No, of course not. But I think on this particular issue, there is no canon answer.
Still, it wasn't my intention, as I stated when I started this thread to include that particular issue. I was interested in why there were more 'Clark moving on and dead-Lois fics' than the reverse, set when the two were still *young*. I'd hoped to exclude the longevity issue because it's quite different and wanders away from the issue I raised.
