All I wanted to suggest was that maybe some of us are more strident in expressing our opinions than is necessary to make our points.
Really?, I can’t say have noticed this, (which, if I’m one of the strident people is to be expected, if so, I can only say I never had the intention to impose my views on anyone else).

I find the intense discussion of the minutia of Lois and Clark alternately amusing and slightly disturbing. Some come across as holding 'the right opinion' on certain subjects, and others disagree with those folks more enthusiastically than I like.
I haven’t asked my father, but I’m sure if I did, he would consider the entire fanfic phenomena disturbing and pathetic and tell us all that we have to much free time and you to get down to the gym. He would also find my discussing the minutiae of a TV show more then slightly disturbing.

The thing is that people find different things important. If people discuss something I find silly or of little value, I just ignore it, if they get something out of it, more power to them.

If I have offended you with this post or with my previous post, I sincerly apologize, because that has NEVER been my intent.
I never thought it was. I’m just curious why several people feels the need to explain that producers of tv-series are in it for the money, that Lois and Clark aren’t real people, and that continuity is expedient to the episodes need. Even if I’ve seen some of what is known as fanwanking on this thread, no-one seemed disconnected from real life.

We writers and readers of FOLCdom have the opportunity to present our characters in whatever manner we choose.
Oh certainly, and I hope you don’t feel restrained by others peoples preconceptions. But as I understand it, there are parameters for what is a L&C fic and if you deviate to much from the canon of the show it wont be accepted by the archive.

BTW, it’ s Arawn as in the lord of the underworld in Welsh mythology. Not Arwen as in the character in Tolkien’s legendarium. smile

I do know you, and I know you wouldn't lie... at least to me...most of the time...