CC, I understand what you are asking but you make it sound like there are this great quantity of Clark moves on fics, and not many of the Lois moves on type. Actually, if you exclude the fact that Clark will inevitibly outlive Lois, there aren't too many of the Clark moves on type of fics either. Granted, Lois, being mortal, is a little more suseptible to being killed than Clark and that can give him a slight advantage.

But,let's face a couple of L&C fanfic facts. First, there are more women than men on these boards and they tend to gravitate toward Clark as the focus of their stories. The other (which was mentioned) is that folc don't particularly want to read stories where either Lois or Clark wind up without the other. That being the case, the desire to write such stories in not all that great either.

The truth is; Lois is probably better equipted emotionally to 'move on' without Clark, than Clark is without Lois.

Since I am a Lois fanatic, I tend to care more about Lois in stories than Clark, and have made her the focal point in my stories more often than I have Clark (which is why Yvonne hates my fics wink ).

I've written at least two fics(that I can recall) where Lois is without Clark as her significant other. The first was 'The Choice' which places Lois in the situation where she loses Clark and has to make a choice as to how to spend the rest of her life. The other one (which I have to say I got quite a bit of flak for) was 'Sometimes Love isn't Enough'. That one presented Lois as the one who had decided to end her marriage with Clark and strike off on a life of her own, though she remained friends with Clark.

Even though I'm not all that enamored with Clark Kent I usually have Lois end up with him because she's shown that she's rather fond of him.

Tank (who figures that this thread will probably ignite a spate of Lois goes it alone fics)