Like MLT, I find this to be an interesting thread. The thoughts and opinions expressed on these screens are quite revealing and make for excellent consideration for future stories. I, for one, will think hard about all this. Maybe one of my other ideas, currently languishing on my flash drive, will blossom into a finished story before long.

Mrs. Mosley wrote:
(*Although one example was pointed out to me: "The Road Taken" - very good story - but even in that one there was an attraction and the future was left open ended. I have hopes that Terry will write a sequel to this one eventually, even if it involves L&C *not* getting together.)
Thank you for the quick review! And there is a sequel in the works, one which (in true FOLC tradition) has already spawned another sequel where the story will really be wrapped up. [/end shameless self-plug]

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing