
The needs of the storyline often overruled what would seem logical for the character.
That is the nature of TV-series, and sure, you can hardly base a verdict on one episode alone. And people seem aware of that. Carol’s point, as I understood, it was that we judge Clark and Lois differently, anomalies or not.

Over the years it appears that part of the fun of this folcdom had been coming up with 'reasonable' explainations for the inconsistant behaviors that were written into scripts for the sake of plot.
Quite possible, I’m not been a Folc that long, but I’ve noticed that what is considered inconsistent differ very much between different people and sometimes when you get a an “explanation” you can honestly buy it.

For example, many people consider Lois marriage to Luthor out of her character, it never was to me, I found it a quite plausible development given the circumstances, when I explain why, several people seems to agree with me.(probably out of fear evil ) .

Or take post-contact stories, I found Clark breaking up with Lois for her own good because he couldn’t stand it if Lois got hurt, to be completely nonsensical, yet as premise it is currently en vogue, so apparently it makes sense for others.


But did we really know that about her during strictly the first season?
There are plenty of moments in S1 where Lois shows kindness, but she does seem to try to hide it, presumably because she believe it makes her look weak.

I do know you, and I know you wouldn't lie... at least to me...most of the time...