Instead, women learn to seek protection from the dangerous world they live in by trying to gain favors from one individual man, the man they fall in love with, the man whose love they try to win for themselves, the man they want to marry, the man they ask to be their protector.

I disagree with this. I’ve found far more acceptance and ‘protection’ from the women (both wonderful friends and family) in my life than from the men (including friends and family).
My point is that our current Western industrialized society has been around for just a short time, while humanity has been around for a long time. Honestly, I don't think the more primitive and subconscious parts of our brains really believe that we now live in a world where women don't have to cling to one strong male for their own protection. I think these parts of our brains keep telling us that it's dangerous for women to generally side with women against men, and that it is best for a woman's own safety to like and believe in the strongest of guys. And I believe that these parts of our brains read LnC fanfics too, and when they do they tell us that Clark can easily be forgiven for perhaps treating Lois dismissively, but Lois can't easily be forgiven for being dismissive of Clark.

But let me say for the record, too, that some aspects of first season Lois turn me off. Particularly her acceptance of Lex's proposal. "My" Lois simply wouldn't do that, which is why I don't like stories where a woman with "my" Lois's name is being punished for marrying Lex. I like it even less if a man with "my" Clark's name ends up happily married to someone else.
