Well, I can't resist. smile

Lisa wrote:
1 - Clark dies. However, he is difficult to kill and death by natural causes isn't likely until he's an old man.
Unless he's killed on NK. smile
Also all sorts of ways that Clark could logically be killed - he's saved so often from Kryptonite wounds you have to wonder what the long term damage to his system would be. Or what about K shrapnel that couldn't be removed from his body? Long- term toxic impact of Earth's alien environment? (Yvonne played with this is idea in her excellent Heliophobia, but didn't go the distance and kill him off laugh )
Clark gets rescued 'just in time' from a K encounter so often that you have to wonder whether sooner or later the cavalry's going to be too late. I bet you can get odds in Las Vegas on that. laugh

(Now this doesn't mean I like dead-Clark fics anymore than I like dead-Lois fics. Just that I think writers could kill Clark pretty easily smile )

1 - Lois' death. Much more likely than Clark's death because she is human and has a knack for trouble to boot.
Maybe, and yet, if we have this idea in our head that Clark will always be saved from K, then isn't there also a similar thought that Lois will always be rescued? Or does the double standard apply here too - Clark gets to be rescued, Lois doesn't? And if Bernie Klein's always going to come through with the miracle cure for Clark, shouldn't he be doing the same for Lois?

2 - Lois' leaves/rejects Clark and possibly marries someone else, either happily or unhappily. Obviously there is precedent for this.
But not on the show. Lois wasn't able to move on with Lex after Superman rejected her - she couldn't even have sex with Luthor, and couldn't marry him because of her love for Clark Kent.

So - what Daisymay said. smile And QoC, yes about Clark's difficulty with moving on. But, i think, in the series, Lois was presented as emotionally vulnerable as Clark. So many examples, perhaps more than of Clark - but lots for both. smile
