Unfortunately, Lois and Clark’s dinner plans were delayed.

Lex Luthor called to thank Lois for the tip regarding Rourke and offered her the exclusive story on Project Shock Wave.
I knew there was a reason I did not like Luthor. Hopefully Clark won't be too angry about this delay, although.

Instead of inviting her to dinner, par for the course with him, they arranged a meeting in his office for mid-afternoon.
Oh good, Lois did not cancel with Clark to go with Luthor, that would have been bad, very bad.

The fact that Lex treated her professionally throughout was like a breath of fresh air being pumped into their acquaintanceship. She hated to term their relationship as a ‘friendship’, because Lex had proven himself unworthy of that title.
shock that is quite regularly.

we meet for dinner,
How is this an alternative?

purely professional, I guarantee you.
Professional as in when he bought her?

You let me know about any pertinent investigations in development at the Daily Planet, which I might be interested in, such as this one with Thaddeus Rourke, and I give you insider information on LexCorp, as a secret source, of course,” he suggested.
And when has he ever given her useful information in the past?

Did Lex want her to be his mole at the Daily Planet?
Sounds like it.

“Don’t do yourself an injustice, my dear.
Didn't she tell him not to call her that?

Translation: Lex would pump her about all the stories that she and her colleagues were currently working on to find out information on his competitors, which would give him an edge businesswise, while at the same time allowing him access to a sympathetic ear regarding himself, and his businesses. What would she get in return? Probably a mishmash of exclusive press releases and other useless information, which would send her on a wild goose chase, either make her sound like a Lex Luthor or LexCorp cheerleader, or point her away from where she really ought to be investigating.
party she is understanding the truth.

only after the Toasters had razed the Hob’s River District and Toni’s arrest had essentially put the Metros out of business. LexCorp had gone forward with their revitalization plans, sweeping up the damaged properties at firesale prices.
She is starting to see the light.

“You have given me much to think about, Lex,” Lois said. “I hope you’ll give me time to consider your kind offer.” She needed time to look deeper into these theories and check out some of the other stories where she and Lex had crossed paths, and figure out if it was just a coincidence or if there had been another reason. She also needed time to word her rejection of his offer in such a way that he wouldn’t know that she now had some solid leads for her investigation.
She is planning on rejecting Luthor. This is wonderful news. Even if it is just a continuation of the way things hve been at least since the Nuclear Power plant issue.

“Of course, darling,” Lex said, scooping up her hand again and bringing it to his lips to kiss it.
Only Clark is allowed to do that.

I’ll be in Washington this weekend.
Why is she going to Washington?

“I understand that you two shared the honeymoon suite at the Lexor Hotel, during your current investigation,” he continued.
Lois: I knew we should have gone under assumed names.

because they had been at staying at his hotel?
I think there is one too many times "at" appears in that sentance.

“But thank you.”
Clark: We don't want this. We do not want to be in his debt.

“What ‘department’ would that be? The ‘department’ of my life, which is personal?” Lois snapped,
party she is really going to tell him off now.

“Thank you for the interview, Mr. Luthor. Good day,” she said, opening the door and marching out of his office.

And good riddance!
party she has fully walked out on Luthor. party

John Pack Lambert