Still no tidal wave.
You keep cutting out the most exciting parts. I really hope you don't cut out the astroid.

She wondered if Superman had been able to stop it, or if it hadn’t happened as Rourke planned.
Sadly, the latter.

She heard footsteps on the stairs behind her and turned to see Clark approaching her.
smile1 now she can tell him she loves him.

She stood up. “How did you know where to find me?”
Tell her the truth Clark.

Clark looked at her wryly. “Did you really think that Superman hadn’t spotted you?”
Well, OK, it is true, just misleading since she does not know it is SM she is talking to.

Lois rolled her eyes. “No, but he told you where I was.”
Which is probably good. Otherwise she would just have waited there for something to happen.

“How long were you planning on staying out here? Until Superman dropped an exclusive in your lap?” he retorted.

Superman didn’t, did he? “But you’ve talked to him, haven’t you?” she accused.
He really should tell her the truth now.

Clark graced her with a beaming smile.
smile1 He is smiling at her.

She felt a bit vindicated, knowing the billionaire had listened to her after all.
But did he?

“Or Rourke messed up. It was his motorboat that exploded after the test. It hit the water spout that the ‘shock wave’ caused, somehow exploding the boat,” Clark explained. “Killing both Bart and Rourke.”
My bet is on Rourke messing up.

It had been a long night, and there was no exciting tsunami story to type up.
See, I knew it was more fun with the tsunami.

“Lois,” he said softly with an expression of genuine love. “You’re always right.”
Smart move Clark, Smart move.

As they got into the cab, she grinned.
smile1 he got her to smile.

She tilted her head upon his shoulder, thinking, I knew there was a reason I loved him.
I wish she had said this outloud.

She felt like their investigation had gypped her out of one final night with Clark at the Lexor Hotel.
Well, it was a bit hard to be there after the room was bombed.

“Lois, if we go back your place, we’ll never make the deadline for the afternoon edition,”
Lois: Some things are more important than deadlines.

Lois didn’t feel like having this argument again now. “True, you have food, that big bed,
That they can share.

Clark:Bad idea, bad idea.

and that hot shower,”
Is she thinking of sharing the shower as well?

as her gaze focused down on his firm leg muscle, sitting on the seat next to her. She smiled as he shifted in discomfort, another point for her. She added a long dramatic sigh. “Of course, I’d have nothing to wear.”
Clark:You could wear nothing. Wait, no, I did not say that.

Clark cleared his throat. “Technically, you haven’t removed all the clothes you left, when you… uh… er… moved in.”
I guess she was not as irrate on recovering as he feared. Or she was more irrate, and just avoided his place.

Oh, he meant during that time she had told him that she loved him, and he hadn’t believed her because she had been drugged on pheromones.
Well, at least now she accepts why he did not believe her. Although, she has every reason to think he should have.

That time she had moved in?
Wait, did she move in some other time?

The more that she thought of Clark’s apartment, the more appetizing it sounded. Tasty food, comfy bed, hot shower, firm naked muscles, lack of sleep, and her clothes.
She msot definately wants him.

“We better eat at Metro Eats, then,” she said, mentioning the diner down the street from the Planet. “Being that we should at least aim for one of today’s deadlines.”
I guess this makes sense.

“Um… Lois…” he murmured, raising the back of her hand to his lips.
smile1 another kiss.

“We need to…” Whatever he was about to say died on his lips. “Yes, you’re right. We’ll talk later.”
frown they postponed talking again.

We’ll talk later? She didn’t like the sound of that. “That sounds good,” she lied.
It was so much more fun with impatient, pheremone-infected Lois.

“We’ll eat breakfast, write our story, get forty winks, and then meet for dinner at your place to discuss things.”
So now we are going to get to the talk where Clark tells her the truth?

John Pack Lambert