If seven months ago, she had dared to stand at her living room window in it, he would have caved quite willingly on his restriction about not kissing Lois, while he was in uniform.
Lois:Well, I am glad I did not try that. I like Clark more.

It was so different a type of lingerie than he had ever imagined her wearing that, having seen her in it, he hadn’t been able to picture her wearing anything else to bed.
That must have made it really hard to not peek while in the Honeymoon Suite.

If he had known that there was a skimpy and very sexy black teddy hiding in her drawer…
He might have caved totally.

although, come to think of it, that could explain why she blew up at Fred the bellhop for unpacking her unmentionables…
Lois:Come on, even if I had not had such a sexy outfit in my clothes, it would still have been an invasion of privacy for him to unpack them.

or if she had exited the bathroom in that particular outfit after they had kissed on the bed…
Lois: hyper I should have totally done that. Now I will never get to wear it for Clark.

Clark: You could buy a new one.

Lois:I have a better idea. You buy me a new one.

Clark, I bought it for you, her words echoed in his head.
Clark:Why does she have to do this now, when I know there is no way I can do anything about it?

He had been so dumbfounded when he heard her murmur
hyper he hard. OK, I didn't have any real doubt.

She had been worried that he was having some sort of aftershock or had a concussion from the explosion, when the elevator door had started to close on him.
He really should tell her he is SM so she stops worrying so much.

Lois was clearly as interested in a physical relationship with Clark as he was with her.
I half wonder if it should not be "as he was in one with her". Maybe the current wording works, but it almost seems to be missing something.

Unfortunately, he now needed to find a way to cool off her ardor, or explain himself better, so that she would stop trying to seduce him to make love to her.
He could just tell her that if they make love she will die. Of course, that will require explaining an awful lot before she might believe him, and even then it is iffy if she will believe him.

Perhaps he should just tell her that he was Superman, after tonight’s fireworks at the Man of Steel that surely would cool down her desire for Clark lickety-split.
We have come full circle, from him thinking that she will hate SM when she learns he is CK, to him thinking she will dislike CK when she learns he is also Superman.

“How dare you?” Lois had yelled at Superman, after he had suggested she leave town, just in case. “Do you think I don’t trust that you will save us?
Hmm, on second thought that does not sound like anipathy towards SM. Frustration at him, but not antipathy.

Have I ever let you believe that I doubt you or your abilities in any way, shape, or form?”
SM:You doubted my ability while we were talking in Smallville just after we had the confrontation with Trask.

Lois:What are you talking about?

SM:Oh, I forgot to tell you, I am...

Lois: You are who?

SM:I hear sirens, I need to rescue someone, buy.

Lois: mad when will he tell me?

If, on the docks, there had been a tree branch for her to pick up, she would have done so to hit him with it.
Sounds like a good plan, since Clark is being such a lunkhead.

Between you and Clark, I’d be working the dog show circuit. No, not even that,”
Clark you should tell her now, if she knows CK=SM, it will reduce her overall frustration level.

It had been all he could do not to wrap her in his arms and press a kiss to her lips. Had he been dressed otherwise, as Clark instead of Superman, he would have.
Well, Clark, if you would have told her CK=SM earlier, you could have her in your arms right now. It is time to tell her.

Clark:Well, yes, she seems to have made it to the point of being ready to learn the truth. I have not worked up the full courage to tell her. I want to do it at the perfect time.

Reader:There will never be a perfect time.

Clark:Well, when she is mad at SM does not seem the perfect time.

Reader:Come on. It is the perfect time. She will be mad when she learns, so if you tell her now you decrease her number of total times being mad.

He loved that Clark’s current relationship with Lois allowed him the freedom to do that.
party They are in a kissing relationship.

John Pack Lambert