As I've already said, I'm writing a HP fic. So, I was looking for another reason why Dumbledore would trust Snape so blindly (I don't have the writing skill to write about a Snape in love with Lily). And I think I came up with something.

As we know, James once saved Snape's life. What if Snape felt remorse because he practically signed the death warrant of the man who saved his life?
We saw (in Book 3, IIRC) that Snape does not consider James's action an act of bravery, but rather one of cowardice, and got angry when Harry mentioned it. So it is probable that Dumbledore, who knows about the fact, understood Snape's remorse was genuine, but doesn't reveal it as the reason Snape switched sides because he knows Snape doesn't like to think about it. After all, Dumbledore tells Harry that his father saved Snape's life in Book 1, as the reason why Snape has been trying to protect him all along. Maybe Snape is trying to make up for failing to save James's life.

Makes any sense? help

BTW... Sara, that comment of yours is what inspired my new signature smile

See ya,

What we've got here is failure to communicate...