My comment was not meant as an attack on any idividual (and I apologise to any who took it as such). Rather it's an opinion of the books and the writing style from the exposure that I've personally had with them.

I'm all for anything that will get kids to read, and for that I think the books have done a great service. I also (as was pointed out) am someone who has read comic books for years and read fantasy of many kinds, including the Narnia books (though that was a long long time ago). But as I mentioned, I was subjected to several chapters of one of the books on tape sometime back and found the author's style not to my liking.

I could see where her writing might appeal to a younger crowd, but I didn't feel the duality of levels that would allow an adult to enjoy the work also.

Maybe the fact that the main characters are all children was a factor in my assessment. I mean, really, who could enjoy any story centered around children as the main protagonists?

Tank (who also is negatively predisposed to anything given the amount of pre-release hype that these books get)