Joining the party late – I just finished reading this book (began yesterday afternoon, finished it a couple of hours before). I haven’t read your comments yet – I wanted to write what I had to say on the book before seeing other people’s views that might affect me. But be sure I will proceed with reading all the posts once I post (I've been eager to read your comments for a very long time!)

First of all, this book did not upset me as much as I thought it would. One would expect that, after being REALLY, REALLY mad with Sirius’s death in Book 5, Dumbledore’s death and Snape’s treason would have affected me just as much, if not more. I had been having notions that all these three would happen /me mumbles something indefinite about careless spoiler-givers - and yet the two major incidents in Book 6 didn’t evoke the anger one (not THE major) incident from Book 5 evoked. But maybe it’s just that Sirius was my favourite character.

I enjoyed the book immensely. However, while reading the others had made my heart thump with agony, this one gave me more quiet emotions – agony too, but mostly a very, very strong feeling of curiosity and impatience about what happens next, maybe stronger than with every other book I’ve read. I still don’t know how I managed to go to bed last night, knowing I had only read two thirds of it.

Also, funnily enough, this is the first time a book (or movie, or anything of that nature) gives me RL fear. (And please bear in mind that I used to read Rosemary’s Baby in the middle of the night, after making sure everyone was asleep.) I went to bed at three, after having finished Chapter 20, had a nightmare that woke me up at five, remembered I had no sheet to cover me and left my bed in search of one... My room was dark (I didn’t want to turn the light on and risk waking anyone up) and I didn’t dare open my closet... Then I thought, “It’s just a book, wizards and Voldemort don’t really exist, I’m not in any danger,” but yet didn’t manage to open the closet... First time it happens to me.

So the book did affect me (although in a more mature way), which is what I seek in a good book. So I feel I should congratulate JKR for her talent and thank her for writing such an awesome book. I’m very glad I had the pleasure to read it smile I hope the series won’t end with Book 7, it would be such a shame... Book 6 already felt too short…

And now, that we have established that I liked the book laugh I’ll move on to commenting particular persons (and pairings):

Dumbledore: I was glad to see him share memories with Harry... he made him feel stronger and more competent, exactly what he needs to fight Voldemort. And about his death... all I can say is, I’ll miss him. I can’t seem to find words to say anything else about it right now.

Snape: I admit that, despite always having my doubts about him, I didn’t think he’d turn so blatantly to the Dark Side. I expected that he’d continue to act behind this veil of mystery, where he made the Unbreakable Vow and I couldn’t make up my mind about whether he meant it or he was just keeping up pretenses. Even up in the Astronomy Tower, I didn’t think he’d actually proceed with killing Dumbledore. I had guessed he was a very powerful wizard and predicted he’d become Defence teacher in this book. But I hoped he would end up with the good guys – I somehow liked him.

Draco: I had not really thought it would happen, but I always believed it would make things very very interesting if he turned to the good side. Of course, he didn’t, but I was happy to see him in doubt about what he must do, reluctant to kill Dumbledore... I liked that Harry kinda pitied him in the end. Although, to be honest, when Myrtle first said about the boy who visited her, I thought it was Malfoy pretending to fish some information from her – didn’t really think he was sincerely desperate.

The Half-Blood Prince: First guess was Voldemort. Second, was Albus Dumbledore. The thought of James Potter came and went rather quickly, before even Harry considered it. Then, confusion came. At some point Snape was added in the mixture, then taken out. Hermione’s suggestion seemed ludicrous. By the time of the revelation, I was almost convinced that it had been Voldemort and was considering the fact that the book might have been a Horcrux.

R.A.B.: One person that might fit here is Sirius’s brother, Regulus Black. He’s dead - Voldemort killed him, or had him killed – and he could have a middle name starting with an A. It also occurs to me that maybe it’s someone who didn’t die, after all, someone we don’t know and we’ll meet in Book 7. Probably male. But I’m so full of thoughts I can’t decide which one I consider most likely.

Harry & Ginny: Shocking! JKR had been very subtle with romance in the previous books, I found it peculiar how Harry had such strong feelings with the first time he saw Ginny and Dean kissing – I would have expected it to be a gradual, slow-moving process. Although it did make for some funny lines:
He had known Ginny for years now. ... It was natural that he should feel protective . . . natural that he should want to look out for her . . . want to rip Dean limb from limb for kissing her... No ... he would have to control that particular brotherly feeling. . . .
It wasn’t bad, but, to be honest, I don’t think anyone of the characters we know is *the one* for Harry. But well, who knows… if he goes hunting for the Horcruxes next year, he might meet another girl who will suit him better… me, for example… just kidding. But I really can’t see him marry anyone of the characters already presented. (God, I was so glad the story with Cho was over!) Now, if he lives to get married, that’s a whole other topic.

Ron & Hermione: Argh! It’s been building for books, and they still haven’t hooked up! I so liked a couple of scenes, like the one in the greenhouses, chapter 14. I bet my head they’ll end up together. If they survive, that is, because with JKR you never know… /me mumbles something indefinite involving her favourite, very dead, character, and Harry ‘I have no one to protect me’ Potter.

Tonks & Lupin: Awww! I was of Harry’s mind, I thought Tonks had fallen for Sirius. But it was nice to see them end up together. Lupin has been alone for a very long time (of his three best friends, one died, one was imprisoned and then died, and one faked his own death and then turned to the Dark Side. Poor guy had no one left.) and the age difference doesn’t bother me – Tonks really loves him, and it seems like he has honest feelings for her, too.

Bill & Fleur: I basically want to comment on the ending – very, very good! I never disliked Fleur, but I was glad to see that her head has deflated a bit, because she was very annoying at times. And she genuinely loves Bill, yay, good for him! I’d like to have seen a bit more of Bill’s feelings for her, though.

Harry: Last, but not least – actually, most of all. Again, the Ginny story was a little peculiar – a little forced, I wonder? But the rest was the Harry we know and love, a little insecure, Gryffindorily brave, with a rare intelligence – the kind of intelligence a hero needs. I loved the trick he played on Ron with the Felix, and I went ROFL in the scenes with the house-elves. (Although that was not just because of Harry, to be fair.) So he wouldn’t want to return to Hogwarts? I can only imagine how he’s feeling. And, I’ll miss Hogwarts, but Harry in action would be very fascinating. I hope he kills Voldemort and he makes Bellatrix Lestrange and Snape suffer (although I wouldn’t mind if he killed them, too). But I also hope that he won’t change – going through what he’s been is tough and further suffering might darken his soul beyond repair. (What do you mean, “he’s just a book character”?)

That’s all for now… Off to read everyone’s comments and I might be back with more.

See ya,

What we've got here is failure to communicate...