And Harry… Yes, he's brave and noble (when he's not trying to cast the cruciatus curse, that is), but he struggles to learn his spells. Compare that with what we know of Harry's parents, of Sirius, of Snape and Voldemort. They were all pretty creative in their own ways. I really don't get the sense that Harry is up there with them, so how he is going to tackle Voldemort is beyond me, at least at present.)
A major ditto. I mean, Harry either needs to change his mind and spectacularly finish up his schooling, or I'll just be waiting for him to be 86'ed on the first spell if he ever runs into Voldemort. Now then again, what happened with Harry's run-in with Voldey in Book 4? I need to re-read that book at some point and refresh my memory.

Oh, BTW - I've read some interviews with JKR and now have an idea of how Snape might be redeemed. This is pure speculation, but I don't want to say anything here if people wouldn't like to think about what might happen. Is it okay to say what I think might happen?
Ooh! I'm totally game for that!


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy