She does not insist on how come the six teenagers were joined by half of the Order... which means she cannot imagine what we know:
Why would Bellatrix be suspicious? There was ample opportunity for one of the six kids to contact the Order of the Phoenix. Snape did not have to be involved with how the Order knew to go to the Ministry. And if asked, Snape could easily say that he didn't know. Maybe the kids contacted Dumbledore?

Very conveniently forgetting how this injury was related to destroying one of Voldemort's Horcruxes and how you helped Dumbledore escape death, aren't you, Snapey? wink I wonder if you at least mentioned it to your Master... (My guess is a big, fat NO.)
For some reason, I cannot remember Dumbledore ever saying exactly what happened when he got his hand ruined. We knew it was going after the cracked ring. But I don't recall any details. Did I just miss it?

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin