I'm still reading and I've chosen to be spoiled. Now I don't know all the circumstances surrounding the murder but my thoughts, based on chapter 2, are:

What if he's not really dead, that it was a trick so that Moldyshorts believes that Snape is still loyal to him?

Again, because I am not up to that part yet, I don't know the details yet. I only know what I've managed to uncover before I got my hands on the book. I do know that JKR has said that the reason why DD trusts Snape so much is revealed in this book ... has it been?

I'm a little disappointed at the ships in this book, but hey, they are only in school and my AU fanfic will live on. <G> You would be amazed how many H/H shippers are abondoning their writing ... I think that's being a little over sensative but it's their call. blush )

I'm getting there, slowly but surely.

Annette wink
Boards Chief Administrator


"There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America." Bill Clinton, inaugural address, January 21, 1993