I just closed the book. Right now I'm a little shell shocked but these are some of my thoughts.

I don't know if reading fanfic has had an influence on me but this was like reading a huge fanfic. <g>

Favorite line: "I don't want to stay here over night, I want to find McLaggen and kill him."

Favorite response: "I'm afraid that would be under the heading of 'overexertion'"

OMG I nearly died laughing at the whole McLaggen Quidditch experience!! I haven't laughed that hard since reading Nekkid Quidditch the first time.

and Luna commentating!! OMG!! Could. Not. Breath.

Ships: Harry and Ginny :p
Won Won and Hermione :p
Tonks and Lupin thumbsup
Fluer really surprised me, not as shallow as you would have thought she would be. Good for her!

I found the MoldyVort back story fascinating! I like learning about him and what drove him to become what he has.

Dumbledor's death was not as shocking as I knew it was coming, but the circumstances around it, whoo. I think I take back what I stated earlier about Snape. If I were both Snape or Draco I wouldn't fancy on running into Harry in a dark alley.

All in all I enjoyed the book better than I did OoTP. I cried just as much with Dumbledor as I did with Sirius. How much more can Harry take.

I'm glad that Ron and Hermione plan on sticking with him. I love that trio-ness.

One of the moderators on a nfic list I am on commented that it paved the way for a nice threesome. <VEG>

Okay I'll leave it there. Want to troll some of the HP live journal sites to see what my favorite Harry/Hermione authors are saying.

It's going to be a long wait for book 7.

Annette wink
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