Carol, I don't think Julie was saying that you'd said anything that went "too far." I think she was just pointing out that people were getting more and more polarized. The discussion about whether or not everything was symbolic could be used to infer that you wrote Recognition because you supported female abuse. Since that is obviously not the case, Julie was just saying that the discussion itself maybe isn't really applicable to real life anymore <g>. At least, that's how I took it.

I'm going to bow out of this thread now, but I did want to thank Ann for her kind words on In Dreams. I'm glad you enjoyed it smile , and I'm flattered you recognize my name blush . I appreciate hearing your feelings on the story!

And I'm sorry if you've felt people were attacking you or your position in this thread; that was never my intention and I don't think anyone else intended to do so either. We're all just defending our own positions, perhaps overzealously wink
