Okay, I'll be honest and admit that I haven't read the entire thread. So much to keep up with! But I have read the last 20 or so replies (a bit surprised to find my own story mentioned goofy ).

It seems some people are intent on seeing "death-of-Lois" fic as merely a way to watch Clark suffer. Now, I'll admit I like to watch Clark suffer devil , but I really don't think that's the point of most deathfic, at least not that I've read. To Clark, Lois's death is more than just something to grieve over.

Wouldn't, in fact, stories which show a Clark who is completely incapacitated by the loss of Lois do much in showing others how deeply Clark feels for her, how truly important she is to him, not simply another one of his many women? A Superman who can no longer function because he's lost something so fundamental as his life partner seems to validate the importance of that partner, proving to those who would view Lois as just an accessory that they are, indeed, wrong.
Lynn said it quite well, but I'd like to expand on this idea.

The alternate universe we were presented in the series serves as a perfect example. There, Lois IS dead. The writers of the show killed her (not to mention Clark's parents!), then they introduced "our" Lois just to show Clark what he's missing. To show him that there was someone out there who could have completed him. To show him that there is another man out there in the universe (galaxy?) who is just like him, but he's happy and has Lois and has his parents alive and well.

Wow, talk about the angst there! For ratings, you think? Did they do this just to make Clark suffer?

Well, yes and no.

There's something far bigger going on here. Think about it.

Without Lois and his parents, who is Clark Kent? You'll notice, without these people in his life, there *isn't* a Superman. Alt Clark needed a Lois to show him who he could be. Even after her guidance, though, he's still shaky. He hasn't had Martha and Jonathan's influence and loving support and acceptance. And he still feels lost because he knows now that there's something missing: Lois.

So, did the writers kill just for the sake of angst so we could watch Clark suffer? No. They did it to show us that without Lois, Superman just doesn't exist.

I think that's something elemental to this fandom. Heck, it was even presented to us that way in the series: "Wherever he is, you are. Never one without the other." Lois is the one who guides Superman, helps him grow into his role as a hero, not to mention she gave him the idea in the first place. I'll admit I stole at least one of these observations from Wendy, but take a look:

Clark was about to cheat at cards until Lois mentioned in the conversation that Superman wouldn't cheat at cards.

Clark was about to give it all up because he didn't think he was making a difference. It's Lois who makes him realize that "what he *can* do is enough."

Clark was about to tell the world he was Superman to avoid scandal because he believed it the only way to protect his integrity. Lois lets him know that it's a mistake. She tells him who Superman is, *what* Superman is.

The list is innumerable. But the point is that Clark can't be Superman without Lois, and I don't think I'm rash in assuming that most (if not all) the fandom can agree with that.

This is why I just can't see why people are assuming that anytime Lois dies, it's for the sole purpose of watching Clark suffer and grieve. Sure, that's a part of it... but maybe it's just harder to see the *extent* of his grief - something he may not even realize himself, though he'll feel it. The whole point of it is that, in losing Lois, he's lost a part of himself.

Anyway, I think I'm starting to talk in circles, and I could really wax on all day, so I'll stop here.

Sara smile

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