I'm sorry, Jackie. I phrased that badly, but it's hard to explain. I have stated many times how much I really hate deathfic, and given reasons, and I'm essentially being told that my reasons are somehow wrong, misguided or something. I should accept death as a part of life (which I am all too aware of, btw) etc, etc. It leaves me with the impression that no matter what I say, the reasons for my genuine loathing of deathfics are somehow unimportant and I should change my attitude, which there is no chance of me doing. I have no objection to the attitudes of those who like such stories, but I really don't like being told that my reasons aren't valid -- and I've been told that by teachers who couldn't understand why I detested "The Red Badge of Courage", "Where the Red Fern Grows" and stories of a similar ilk. It just seems that to be considered someone of real depth and understanding you are supposed to like this stuff, and very few people are able to grasp the really deep revulsion I have for it. I like my stories to end with hope. Despair doesn't do anything for me at all but make me angry.


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.