If I go back over the years, I can think of several off the top of my head which did do just that. Now that's my own interpretaion of how those fics portrayed the character and may or may not be what the author wished to do, in fact, nor will it necessarily be how other readers interpret that same portrayal. I can think of a couple fics which did the same for Clark, too, btw.
Carol, you are absolutely right. Just because I can't think of any this moment doesn't mean that I won't come up with 5 before bedtime. And you and I could read the exact same story and get two different - either slightly different or radically so - interpretations, impressions, and feelings from it. And neither of us would be wrong, because we are each coming into this with our own unique experiences influencing - maybe even clouding - what we read and what we feel about these characters. This is so true for all of us, as evidenced here in this thread as to why some of us have such a loathing for deathfic and why others are relatively ambivalent.

And now, onto my having been able to bring Lois back. <<snip>> But really though, wouldn't bringing her back lessen things? Kind of cheapen the whole thing as well?
Catherine, I don't presume to speak for Sheila, but I don't think she meant to belittle or cheapen your story in any way. I assume she was giving an example of how a story with this premise could be altered slightly so that it would be more - for lack of a better word - comfortable for her to read. That doesn't imply in any way that it would make it a *better* story, but simply that she could read it without being jolted out of her "comfort zone".

Because people do have comfort zones. Some will read anything, some won't read any kind of nfic, some won't read kidfic... The list goes on. Although some of the deathfic stories have affected me on a deep emotional level - like with Catherine's, I sat there for several moments with my jaw just flapping open - I tend to have a real hangup with Clark getting "close" to another woman. Even a kiss can set me off. That sounds so stupid when you compare it to the traumas that people have faced in their daily lives and the emotions they bring with them to their reading and writing, but that's my personal bugaboo.


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5