But the point I wanted to make was that to suggest that anyone who does kill Lois in a story doesn't respect the character is unfair, to say the least, and could be considered offensive.
I'm sorry, Wendy, but I did say in my previous post that I *don't* think that anyone who kills Lois is automatically disrespectful of her. I gave three examples of how a writer could kill Lois without being disrespectful. I certainly admit that there are also other ways to kill Lois and still show her respect.

But I'm going to keep insisting that the idea of killing Lois just to make us feel sorry for Clark *is* disrespectful. People, yesterday I read once again in a Swedish newspaper that 100-200 million women have been killed in what The Economist calls "gendercide". Okay. Does that mean that because 200 million women have been killed, our proper response should be to feel really, really sorry for 200 million men? Perhaps we should write a few fics describing the actual blow-by-blow killings of some of those women, so we can really cry for all those bereaved and lonely men out there?
