Wasn't trying to make anybody feel like their opinions were wrong for not liking death fics just because I do (or do if they are written well).

Everyone's opinions are different and that is what makes this place so very wonderful. Nobody has to like everything just because others do and nobody's opinions are wrong just because they are different.

I had a creative writing teacher tell me that fantasy wasn't true "literature" so I agree completely that literature (or film and tv) snobs are the worst kind. Just because somebody says it's a classic doesn't mean it is for you.

And just because some of us like death fics doesn't mean they have to be enjoyed by all. smile

Lab Rat,

I can understand your frustration with Joss over the fate of Wash on the Firefly film "Serenity"...many fans were left angry and hurt by what happened, but you can believe it wasn't done 'just because he could'. Joss has never been one to kill of a character for random reasons...everything he does has a purpose. Doesn't mean you have to like his purpose, but it is there wink

Don't know if you saw the finale of Angel but it had a very similar ending in that the fate of the characters remained unkown (but largely in doubt if you get my meaning). I personally loved the ambiguity because Joss meant it as a metaphor for his struggle against the networks (and the fans became part of that as well when we launched the Save Angel campaign). He knew that the foe he was up against (the network) was greater, but he fought anway and that's just what Angel did as well...

Maybe he didn't make it. But he sure as hell went out fighting (as did the fans)

"Personally, I kinda want to slay the dragon"...

Spike: "There's a hole in the world...feels like we ought to have known."