But Lois and Clark live in Metropolis, which has long been established as being close to New York. To my knowledge, neither New York State nor New York City has capital punishment. Why would Metropolis have it? Because if it doesn't, we can't execute Lois, which was the whole point of this story anyway?
On LnC, Metropolis is in the state of New Troy, which, according to TPvLL and DLW, does indeed have the death penalty.

Would Clark support the death penalty, by the way? Would he bring criminals to justice so that they could be executed, even though he must know there would always be a chance that he might be mistaken about at least one of those he brought to their death? The way I think of Clark and Metropolis, Metropolis doesn't have capital punishment and Clark doesn't support it.
This is a very touchy subject for most people, which is why it was never addressed on the show, just like Lois and Clark's political affiliations were never talked about or whether or not they support a woman's right to choose. The only time that the show came close to touching on the subject was in Faster Than a Speeding Vixen when Clark went to interview Peter Massey before Massey's execution. Afterwards, he says to Lois: "They kept filing appeals, so the waiting went on 'til dawn. Boy, you come outta something like that really appreciating.... life." (This is from the script, as I don't have the episode handy right now.) That's not exactly a strong reproval of the death penalty, although it's not an endorsement either. Because Clark values life so much and refuses to kill, I would assume that he doesn't agree with putting someone to death, but he does accept it as part of the justice system.

Sorry to jump in here and kind of derail the thread. You may now get back to discussing the original post smile .

Edited to add: I see Wendy got there before I did. wink

Fanfic | MVs

Clark: "Lois? She's bossy. She's stuck up, she's rude... I can't stand her."
Lana: "The best ones always start that way."

"And you already know. Yeah, you already know how this will end." - DeVotchKa