I can see where you're coming from Toc, and it's a valid point.

I enjoy death fics, but that doesn't make the observation any less astute. I can definitely see why you would feel that way about death in books, shows, films, etc.

One of the reason I liked the show "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" as much as I did was because Joss saw the exact same thing in death in fiction or tv that you have just described.

In fact, the reason he created Buffy was because he was tired of seeing the typical horror movie in which "that blonde girl walks into an alley way, and is killed by the creature waiting for her." He didn't like the way horror films didn't seem to value human life (using them as cannon fodder), and he started "feeling sorry for that blonde girl". He wanted to see her "take back the night"

So in the very first scene of the first episode of Buffy "Welcome to the Hellmouth", Buffy (the blonde girl) does indeed walk into an alley way, but this time she is not only ready for him, she trounces him.

Joss never considered himself a feminist per se, but he did see the value in his characters lives, and although he killed some off it was never (and I still beleive this) pointless. Sad, yes. Pointless, no.

Lois and Clark was always rather good in that, nobody really died...but then again it kept some of the more interesting stories from being told. I would have liked to see Clark deal with the fact that he used that Kryponian move (the one where the block everything out except the desire to kill)on Nor. I mean, somehow it *didn't* kill him (the kryptonite did), but I felt that was a bit of a cop-out.

Clark's killer instinct (an inherant Kryptonian trait) *was* there. I was somewhat disappointed that they didn't deal with that on the show. Do I mean they should have had Clark actually KILL Nor? Well, maybe not given the show's rating and timeslot...but at least have Clark deal with the fact that he had it in him to kill Nor.

I would like to see a fanfiction however, in which he does. Technically that would be a death fic, but one in which another purpose is served.

Not all deathfics are Lois deathfics. (Incidentally if there is one out there with this particular plot line I'd love to know about it).

Anyway, I guess I'm just rambling.

Not trying to change anybody's view point, just mentioning one of things that always frustrated me about the series.

And I never liked that they killed Mayson. I *liked* Mayson and her death was indeed pointless. Besides, I always thought she and Dan Scardino would have made a good match wink

Anya: "Let's go assemble the cannon fodder"
Xander: "Sweetie, we're not calling them that..."
Anya: "Well not to their face!"

Spike: "There's a hole in the world...feels like we ought to have known."