You know, I can't believe I actually hit the "Post Reply" button on this topic. I really think we're just beating a dead horse here, going back and forth without accomplishing anything. At this moment, I'm not sure what I want to say, but I feel the need to chime in too.

Up until now, I had read the occasional deathfic. It wasn't my favorite because I enjoy the happy ending kind of stories. But I didn't discredit them because there are a lot of themes of stories I don't completely enjoy, like next generation stories. I have heard SOOO many good things about Nan's Home series, but it isn't really my cup of tea so I haven't read them yet.

I choose not to read stories I know I won't enjoy as much, but I will never tell anyone not to write them. We can't limit the kinds of stories that are written here. This should be a place of creative freedom. There are over a thousand people joined on these boards, and who knows how many others lurk around. There has to be a happy medium where we all respect each others opinions for liking/hating stories and respect each other's rights to write them.

Let me jump off my soap box now. blush I respect everyone's opinion on this subject, I really do. But we all come from different backgrounds and lifestyles so our likes and dislikes will be different. The only way to aviod any of this is to just refrain from reading something you think you won't enjoy, for whatever reason that may be.

After reading through everyone's arguments for and against deathfics, I think I have a new-found like for them. peep But only because most deathfics here are extremely well written and tell a good story, regardless of the sad ending.

I think I'm done. I'll just add this to the litany of posts already here in hopes of not being misinterpreted. I mean NO disrespect to anyone here.


Joey: If he doesn't like you, then this is all just a moo point.
Rachel: A moo point?
Joey: Yeah, it's like a cow's opinion, you know, it just doesn't matter. It's "moo."
Rachel: Have I been living with him for too long, or did that all just make sense?