Originally posted by ccmalo:
Women have often been used in that way in films, trash novels, TV etc. (still recall a James Bond flic where a woman was tossed to her death (or very grave injury - we never did find out) over a balcony simply because she was a prostitute - and then the guys, including Bond, all had a good laugh about it)
Not that it matters, but I really doubt that you're remembering this correctly; unless it's one of the later films I haven't seen, I'm pretty sure that the film is Diamonds are Forever, the girl is the romantic interest, and she is shown landing in the swimmming pool and later plays a major part in the story.

But I entirely agree that women tend to be the victims in action-adventure movies; someone recently pointed out that the most dangerous role in any film is Harrison Ford's wife, because in nearly every film he's made for a good few years his wife has been murdered or is in grave peril.

Marcus L. Rowland
Forgotten Futures, The Scientific Romance Role Playing Game