Let's open our minds and sample whatever comes our way, instead of finding reasons *not* to try stuff.
Hmmm, but the problem with this reasoning is that it assumes that labels exist ONLY to exclude things and they don't. This is particularly true with genre labels of any kind. They exist because that's what the consumer buys or wants in enough quantity to get someone's attention. That's both inclusive AND exclusive. I don't look for certain type of book to buy and read just because I don't want another type but because I have a finite amount of time and want to start with what I enjoy.

Does that mean I never take a chance on anything else outside my comfort zone? No. It simply means I'm very selective when I do. I want some information ahead of time so I know what I'm getting into and not simply to keep from squirming. It's also to be more fair to the artist. That informed choice on my part does not diminish the work of art but rather enhance it for me because when I'm more informed ahead of time I tend to judge the work not based on my own expectations but rather on what the artist was attempting to do.

I still may not like it overall, but at least if I'm informed ahead of time then I'm not misled from the start and letting that seriously color my judgment.

BevBB :-)
"B. B. Medos"