Maybe. I hope so. I've just run into so much complete disbelief over the years that I couldn't like some fabulous, wonderful story, full of deep layers of meaning, etc. etc., where the protagonist dies at the end. I'm told that I just can't see the deep underlying message in the story, and the thing is that all the great things that happened earlier are completely negated for me by the ending. It gets a little frustrating after a while.
Understandable, Nan. But I really don't think you've been getting that here in this thread. Reading the thread, I, too, have been very confused as to where you seemed to be finding anyone disrespecting your views or telling you your opinion wasn't valid or was trivial. I could only find posts saying quite the opposite in fact! Most posters seem to be going out of their way to say that everyone's opinion is equal in this.

So thanks for clarifying where you've been coming from on that.

Once again, I'd reiterate that tastes differ and no one need be ashamed or defensive of that. It's what makes us unique as individuals and that's nothing negative. On either side of the divide.

I'm quite amazed actually to hear that your teachers would castigate you for not enjoying a particular movie. That's really quite outrageous. Although, I have to say that I've often come across the same attitude in respect to the 'classics'. There are very few examples of classic literature that I've enjoyed reading and which haven't bored me to tears (although I enjoy many of them acted out on screen) and I don't really see why I should read and enjoy them any more than any other novel just because someone, somewhere, has decided they're somehow special. So I share that sense of irritation with you when someone tsks and says, "You mean you haven't read Jane Austin?" as though it's some kind of social crime. goofy

Anyway...Love Story I can agree with you on. laugh Maudlin nonsense imo. The worst of saccharine, artificial emotion grafted on to a plot.

LabRat smile

PS - apologies to Wendy in advance for choosing Jane Austin as an example. laugh

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers