Just a factual observation:
But Lois and Clark live in Metropolis, which has long been established as being close to New York. To my knowledge, neither New York State nor New York City has capital punishment. Why would Metropolis have it? Because if it doesn't, we can't execute Lois, which was the whole point of this story anyway?

Would Clark support the death penalty, by the way? Would he bring criminals to justice so that they could be executed, even though he must know there would always be a chance that he might be mistaken about at least one of those he brought to their death? The way I think of Clark and Metropolis, Metropolis doesn't have capital punishment and Clark doesn't support it.
You did see the episodes The People v Lois Lane and Dead Lois Walking, Ann? Catherine's story was an adaptation of those episodes. New Troy (which is the state) does have the death penalty in Lois and Clark's universe. And, whether or not Clark supports it - which wasn't explored in the episodes - he trusts and respects the law. Up to, at least, the point at which he feels that the law itself is unjust.

As for my own personal feelings about deathfic, I'll try to come back later to explain. smile Fascinating discussion so far - there are some interesting perspectives being expressed.

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*