Those were the ones I was thinking of. Did I miss someone?
I just wanted to make sure you didn't mean Cat, because she doesn't know.
No, I know Cat knows nothing about the alternate dimension and thinks Clark is a recent immigrant from Krypton. However, maybe I should have included Carlos, since I think Clark did tell him about the alternate dimension, since how else would he explain them both being Superman, sortof.

True, but Nigel didn't really care for the TV and VCR or even the word processor, but what the word processor had on it. He would have been able to take or copy most (paper) documents, had he found any, so that Clark would've never known... except that he's not just Clark, so he would've probably noticed if someone had moved his stuff even a fraction of an inch.
Clark:And then I would have to make sure to come by in the suit when Henderson or Lois was here so I had a clear way to explain how I noticed, and how would I explain not being here when Superman came by?

Lex's opinion that Lois might be distracted from Clark.
Lois:Well, Lex obviously knows nothing about me.

But in canon she had not gotten mad at him for trying to pursue her. Also, in canon she had not had Superman discover bugs in her apartment. She dislikes Luthor a lot more here, and has more reason to dislike things that strike of having been stalked.
So, you think she might get mad at Lex? wink
Well, since she already is made at Lex, more like "more mad".

Agree totally with you. Why would she want to marry someone who had done something that creepy?
Well that is probably why he waited until after bombing the palent out of existence to ask her. If he had done it earlier, she would have clearly said no. Although I have to admit I never understood why she said yes at all. Her backing out at the last minute made sense, except that it took her that long to back out. I guess it made it more exciting.

I agree, and I explain my world-view on how this could have happened... coming up... at some time... in the future... laugh
Well in "Another Lois" (see I got the title wrong), it did seem it might relate to shoddy science. Although maybe the mistake was not really a result of being "shoddy".

That might have been fun. Clark has memory problems from ASU through House of Luthor, only regaining them in time to tell Lois that he loves her, but by this time everyone knows that CK=SM, because even though he had been able to figure out how to use his powers, he never regained his memory until the thought of losing Lois knocked him (metaphorically) over the head? Hmmmm. This sounds like a challenge!
Clark:Sounds like a return to that other dimension I fled. Well, except Lois would be hear, so it might be worth it.

John Pack Lambert