Oh no. He is going to try to convince her they can't be intimate because he is SM. Wait, I think this is a very, very bad plan.
CLARK: Why? It's what that Chris Reeves guy did in the movie.
He also used a kiss to make Lois forget everything. And if we take the Superman returns chronology, he then goes to look for Krypton without even making sure whether or not she is pregnant, and is gone for five years. Clark, I do not think you want to follow his example at all.

Anyway, since he admitted he had a fiancee and was intimate with her, I am not sure Lois is likely to believe the "I can't because I am SM' story at all.

I think he should tell her about the curse. That is the only way. I still am not sure it would convince her, but at least they would not be talking round each other.
Oh, where would be the fun in that?
I should have known you would not give up on talking around eachother that easily.

Also, since she does realize something happened while she was under the Pheremones, he needs to explain things in a way that explains what really happened then.
He doesn't know she knows that though.
True. It does however make it even less likely she will be "I'm SM so we cannot be intimate" at all.

Also, if he does not tell her about inter-dimensional travel, how is he going to explain his past? This does not sound like a good idea to me. Cat thinking he grew up on Krypton is OK, but Lois thinking that will just not work.
Mainly because I don't like it. However Lois knows too much of his history to be satisfied with an "I came from Krypton" explanation. It will allow him to explain that he was not lieing, which will just make things better.

The more I think about things, the less I think his plan makes any sense.
CLARK: So, I should go back to my 5 point plan?
It is certainly better than a plan in any way associated with the amnesia kiss.

CLARK: Well, if she's angry at me, she won't want to make love, right?
That if not a 100% bet. Anyway, it only works while she is mad, which will be less than the time until Herb shows up to say the curse no longer exists.

But, you as a Reader, have more information than him as a character. As far as Clark knows, Herb has been completely honest with him.
Which is why Lois is right to think that he is naive.

He's nervous about revealing his biggest secret, and wants to make sure there aren't any hurdles in the way which would make confessing what he wants to tell her blow up in his face. Because once the news is out there, he can't take it back, as he wished he had done with Lana. Trust isn't very easy for him.
But unlike with Lana, Clark does know how Lois feels about Superman. He knows she loves him. I guess though knowing it intellectually and knowing it emotionally are different. She never had a real relationship with Superman, so it is possible if she was confronted with actually having a relationship with an alien, she might react more negatively. At least Clark could tell himself that and decide to make sure everything is right before revelaing his secret.

Oh, he is speaking of when he became known to be SM and people tried to dig up ever secret on him.
He highly doubts that it is Superman fans / groupies and/or tabloid reporters breaking in this time.
He really does think the glasses fool people.

NIGEL: You never know. What is this strange article about a press conference with Mayor White and former president Elvis Presley? Perry White isn't the mayor of Metropolis? Elvis is dead. Odd. Must be fiction of some sort.

So, they don't have thieves who would want to rob Lord Kal-El on Krypton?
But Clark has no idea that Kal-El was a Lord.

Lois: Which leads us to wonder why you want to go back at all tonight, instead of just staying with me.
Uniforms are back home. Meeting with Henderson and the scanning team. Must replace front door and locks, and clean up mess.
Lois:Uniforms? What uniforms?

Maybe she should tell him she is worried about her safety.
After HOW many times she has told him she doesn't need protection?
Good point. Does she want Clark with her that badly?

Now she is moving to the point where he only has one way to answer, that CK=SM.
CLARK: Well, Superman knows my intentions are honorable. Luthor's aren't.
Lois:And how can Superman be so sure of your intentions.

Clark:Do you doubt my intentions.

Lois:No, but jealous guys sometimes don't think straight.

Clark:Well, Superman knows me well enough not to get jealous.

they were interupted, again.
Probably best since Asabi is waiting to tail them right outside the door.
Hmm, you might have a point. He wants to make sure he tells Lois this in private. No yelling in the street so even the people in Gotham hear. Sometime in the TV show it seems Lois and Clark did not even try to have conversations in priave. It was shocking that no one else figured out the CK=SM.

John Pack Lambert