The only part I really found inspiring was when Martha helped young Clark calm down when he was experiencing sensory overload. And I suspect that the only reason I found that inspiring was because I've had to do similar things with my own son many a time, and it was nice to be on the viewing (rather than the experiencing) end of it for a change.

I had *really* wanted to like the movie, and I do like parts of the movie, but I have no intention of seeing the movie again. And if I ever did rewatch it, it would be with remote in hand to fast-forward through much of the needless violence.

I think that as I have had more time to reflect on the movie, I have actually come to like it less. There is still a lot of potential in the franchise, and I will (with some misgivings) see the Superman/Batman movie when it is released (either in the theatre or online/DVD/BluRay), assuming it isn't completely panned.

I will say that IMHO this movie was at least better than Superman Returns.
